Nutritional Services
Nutritional Services are services provided by a patient’s doctor and possibly a dietitian to help create healthy and wholesome nutrition for the patient. Services provided include education and counseling about weight management and healthy eating as well as eating disorders and preventative nutrition.
Good nutrition is important to staying well. Especially if you are struggling to manage health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, digestive disorders, obesity, or high blood pressure. Not only will you want to be educated about the foods you can eat or may want to stay away from, you may want to ask about cooking methods, portion sizes, shopping at the grocery store, and resources available to assist you.
Achieving balance for optimal health is challenging, as demonstrated by the fact that approximately 65% of Americans are either overweight or obese. The economic, physical, and social consequences are enormous. At Southwestern Medical Center, we are ready to help you eat smart and stay healthy. We offer private consultation in nutrition instruction, evaluation or nutritional status, and follow-up sessions designed to meet your individual needs.
The Food & Nutrition Services at SWMC provide medical nutrition therapy for inpatients and outpatients through registered, licensed dietitians. Comprehensive nutritional care for all admitted patients may include nutritional screening, assessments, diet instructions and/or nutritional intervention as needed. Outpatients may receive diet instructions from the dietitian upon referral by the patient’s physician.