Laparoscopic Surgery
Laparoscopic Surgery is performed by the use of small incisions and special equipment that can help reduce pain and bleeding after surgery and contribute to a shorter recovery time. During laparoscopic surgery, a laparoscope is passed through a small incision in the abdominal wall. Fitted with grasping and cutting tools, laparoscopic procedures can often be done on an outpatient basis.
Sometimes it is referred to as minimally invasive surgery. Video cameras, “cold” lights, and thin instruments can be inserted through small plastic tubes (ports) placed through small incisions. Your surgeon can see images transmitted by the camera on a television monitor. This method alleviates the need to make larger, traditional types of incisions in order for the surgeon to see inside the body.
Usually, patients who undergo laparoscopic surgery have less post operative discomfort, since their incisions are much smaller; there is less hemorrhaging; shorter hospital stays; an earlier return to activities; and have smaller scars. Muscle and skin trauma is lessened so recovery rates are quicker, and because patients can get out of bed sooner, the risk of complications are reduced. Infection rates are also lower because delicate tissue is not exposed to air over long periods of time (Accutane Online).
Routine laparoscopy procedures include gallbladder, stomach, intestines, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, and female reproductive organs. Orthopedic surgeons were the first in utilizing scopes to perform knee and should repair procedures. Laparoscopy is now used on nearly every organ in the body.